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In-bore MRI Cinema – A novel way to address patient anxiety during scans, Kryptonite solutions

In-bore MRI Cinema – A novel way to address patient anxiety during scans

In-Bore MRI Cinema is a novel approach designed to address patient anxiety during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. MRI scans can be intimidating for some patients due to the enclosed space of the MRI machine and the loud, repetitive noises produced during the procedure. To alleviate this anxiety, In-Bore MRI Cinema aims to provide patients with a more relaxing and immersive experience.

In-Bore MRI Cinema is an innovative approach aimed at addressing patient anxiety during MRI scans. It involves providing patients with an immersive and calming experience by simulating a cinematic environment inside the MRI bore.

MRI Compatible In bore monitor

The concept involves installing a display system inside the MRI machine that allows patients to watch movies or other visual content during the scan. The display system is designed to be compatible with the MRI environment, ensuring that it does not interfere with the scanning process or compromise image quality.

By providing patients with a distraction in the form of visual entertainment, In-Bore MRI Cinema helps divert their attention away from the claustrophobic environment and the noise generated by the MRI machine. This distraction can reduce anxiety and enhance patient comfort during the scan.

In addition to movies, other options such as soothing nature scenes or virtual reality experiences may also be available, depending on the capabilities of the specific In-Bore MRI Cinema system. The goal is to create a more pleasant and calming atmosphere for patients, thereby improving their overall experience and potentially reducing the need for sedation or re-scans due to motion artefacts caused by anxiety.

It’s important to note that the availability of In-Bore MRI Cinema may vary depending on the healthcare facility or imaging center. Not all MRI machines will have this feature, so it’s advisable to inquire with the specific facility beforehand if this is a service they provide.

Overall, In-Bore MRI Cinema is a promising approach to address patient anxiety during MRI scans by offering a more engaging and immersive experience inside the MRI machine.

In-bore cinema

The concept revolves around creating a virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) experience for the patient. Specialized VR or AR headsets can be used to transport the patient into a different setting, such as a peaceful beach, a serene forest, or any other calming environment of their choice. This helps distract the patient from the clinical setting and the loud noises typically associated with MRI scans.

The technology used in In-Bore MRI Cinema takes advantage of advancements in MRI-compatible VR and AR equipment. These devices are specifically designed to be safe for use in the MRI environment, ensuring that they do not interfere with the scanning process or compromise patient safety.

Here’s how the In Bore MRI Cinema process might work:

  1. Pre-scan preparation: Before the MRI scan, the patient would have a consultation with the radiology team to discuss any concerns or anxieties they may have. The patient would then choose the virtual environment they would like to experience during the scan.
    Pre-scan preparation
  2. Equipment setup: The MRI-compatible headset and associated peripherals would be set up on the patient. These devices are designed to be lightweight and non-interfering with the MRI scanner.
    MRI Equipment setup
  3. Start of the scan: As the patient enters the MRI bore, the virtual environment of their choice will be projected onto the headset’s display. The patient can see and interact with the virtual environment, creating a more engaging and relaxing experience.
    start of the MRI scan
  4. Audio integration: The immersive experience would be enhanced by integrating soothing sounds or music into the in-bore environment. This further helps in reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of calmness.
    Audio Integration
  5. Monitoring and support: Throughout the MRI scan, the radiology team would closely monitor the patient’s comfort and well-being. They would also ensure that the virtual environment does not interfere with the diagnostic quality of the MRI images.
    Monitoring & support

By providing a visually and audibly immersive experience, In-Bore MRI Cinema aims to alleviate patient anxiety and improve overall scan quality. This approach can be particularly beneficial for patients who experience claustrophobia or have difficulty remaining still during the scan.

It’s important to note that In-Bore MRI Cinema is an emerging technology, and its availability may vary depending on the healthcare facility and the specific MRI equipment in use. If you’re interested in exploring this option, consult with your healthcare provider or radiology department to see if it’s available at their facility.

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